October 2018 Update

This month will see numerous changes throughout the VA. We are happy to welcome seven new staff members, including five route managers to update and correct our route network, and two PR managers who will assist our existing staff in providing support for our pilots.

We are also happy to announce we are now officially IVAO partnered! You can view our airline page on IVAO. If you fly on IVAO, we would like to ask you to use our call sign, so IVAO can track hours flown for this VA.

Based on pilot feedback we have made numerous changes to our UI. First of all, we have changed our flight analysis page to better show which points were achieved. We now also provide a brief description of each flight phase, which can help you to understand why you have missed a phase.

We have also added weather information to our Alpha Flight Briefing page. This will show the current METAR of both your departure and arrival:

Live Weather Information

Tours will now show the first leg which is yet to be flown with all others being collapsed to ease navigation of the page as well.

Airports now show which aircraft may be returned to their original destination and thus which aircraft might be eligible for a bonus after having been stationary for seven days.

We will also be making a change to counting of transfer hours. Right now, we are basing most active pilots and the total flight time on the sum of the flight time on this VA and transfer hours. As of October 15, this will change to include only flight time on SkyTeam Virtual to better reflect activity in SkyTeam Virtual. With this change, we will also be allowing transfer hours from all virtual airlines. If you would like to have transfer hours applied to your profile, please create a support ticket in the Hour Transfer category.

We would also like to remind you we have a Discord server. To join it, use discord.gg/EAKR7Qe.

As always, we have also published our October 2018 tour, which you can fly here. This time around, we are flying in Europe.