LATAM Airlines Tour

About this tour

This is a tour of 39,353 nm (72,882 km) divided into twenty legs.

To complete this tour, you will need to fly at least one route of each of the legs listed below. You will need to fly all legs using one of the airlines listed below. The airline can differ between the different legs, as long as each individual route is flown using one of the airlines listed below.

All legs need to booked using one of the following airlines:

  • LATAM Cargo (LCO/UC)
  • LATAM Airlines (LAN/LA)
The conditions listed above are leading. The eligible routes shown will not always be current, but routes can be found by searching using the filters on our routes page. If you have doubts as to whether a route will be accepted, please create a support ticket.
Leg 1: SBSP - SBSV

This is a leg of 800 nm (1,481 km) from Congonhas Airport (CGH/SBSP) (Hub) to Deputado Luiz Eduardo Magalhães International Airport (SSA/SBSV) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN3632 17:40z 20:05z 2:25 A320
LAN3634 00:55z 03:20z 2:25 A320
LAN3624 11:20z 13:45z 2:25 A320 A20N
LAN3628 15:05z 17:30z 2:25 A20N A320
LAN3849 19:45z 22:10z 2:25 A319 A320
LAN3632 18:15z 20:40z 2:25 A320 A20N
LAN3626 13:05z 15:35z 2:30 A319 A320 A20N
LAN3622 09:50z 12:15z 2:25 A320
LAN3632 20:40z 23:05z 2:25 A319

This is a leg of 549 nm (1,016 km) from Deputado Luiz Eduardo Magalhães International Airport (SSA/SBSV) (Hub) to Pinto Martins International Airport (FOR/SBFZ) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN3172 04:45z 06:35z 1:50 A21N A320 A321
LAN3486 14:35z 16:25z 1:50 A320 A321 A20N
LAN4534 01:15z 03:05z 1:50 A319
LAN4534 02:15z 04:05z 1:50 A321

This is a leg of 3,008 nm (5,571 km) from Pinto Martins International Airport (FOR/SBFZ) (Hub) to Miami International Airport (MIA/KMIA) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN8188 17:40z 01:00z 7:20 B789

This is a leg of 2,278 nm (4,219 km) from Miami International Airport (MIA/KMIA) to Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM/SPJC) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LCO2857 17:05z 00:13z 7:08 B76F
LCO1833 10:25z 16:10z 5:45 B76F
LAN2481 20:50z 02:30z 5:40 B763
LAN2699 04:20z 10:00z 5:40 B763
LAN2699 05:40z 11:20z 5:40 B763
LAN2695 21:15z 03:00z 5:45 B763
LAN2693 04:05z 09:45z 5:40 B763
LCO2503 01:50z 07:24z 5:34 B76F
LAN2465 18:10z 23:59z 5:49 B789

This is a leg of 615 nm (1,139 km) from Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM/SPJC) (Hub) to José Joaquín de Olmedo International Airport (GYE/SEGU) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN2416 14:30z 16:40z 2:10 A20N A320 A319
LAN1436 17:00z 19:11z 2:11 A319

This is a leg of 1,944 nm (3,601 km) from José Joaquín de Olmedo International Airport (GYE/SEGU) (Hub) to Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport (SCL/SCEL) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN1447 19:39z 00:32z 4:53 A319

This is a leg of 5,212 nm (9,653 km) from Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport (SCL/SCEL) (Hub) to Auckland International Airport (AKL/NZAA) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN801 04:40z 17:15z 12:35 B789

This is a leg of 5,212 nm (9,653 km) from Auckland International Airport (AKL/NZAA) (Hub) to Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport (SCL/SCEL) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN800 06:45z 17:40z 10:55 B789

This is a leg of 2,026 nm (3,753 km) from Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport (SCL/SCEL) (Hub) to Mataveri Airport (IPC/SCIP) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN843 13:55z 19:35z 5:40 B789
LAN843 14:55z 20:35z 5:40 B788
LAN841 11:25z 17:05z 5:40 B789
LAN841 13:10z 18:50z 5:40 B788 B789
LAN841 12:10z 17:50z 5:40 B788 B789

This is a leg of 2,026 nm (3,753 km) from Mataveri Airport (IPC/SCIP) to Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport (SCL/SCEL) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN842 20:45z 01:15z 4:30 B789 B788
LAN844 21:30z 02:00z 4:30 B789
LAN844 22:30z 03:00z 4:30 B788

This is a leg of 598 nm (1,107 km) from Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport (SCL/SCEL) (Hub) to Cerro Moreno Airport (ANF/SCFA) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN332 00:39z 02:40z 2:01 A320
LAN362 12:16z 14:19z 2:03 A320
LAN362 23:18z 01:19z 2:01 A320
LAN362 09:28z 11:29z 2:01 A321
LAN352 15:14z 17:17z 2:03 A321
LAN134 19:04z 21:05z 2:01 A320
LAN134 17:22z 19:25z 2:03 A321
LAN134 09:02z 11:03z 2:01 A321
LAN342 09:32z 11:33z 2:01 A320
LAN342 22:03z 00:04z 2:01 A320
LAN342 14:06z 16:09z 2:03 A320
LAN344 09:02z 11:03z 2:01 A320
LAN344 16:50z 18:53z 2:03 A320
LAN344 19:47z 21:48z 2:01 A320
LAN130 10:01z 12:02z 2:01 A320
LAN130 15:12z 17:15z 2:03 A321
LAN130 18:27z 20:28z 2:01 A321
LAN130 08:32z 10:33z 2:01 A320
LAN130 11:28z 13:31z 2:03 A321
LAN130 09:22z 11:23z 2:01 A320
LAN124 09:02z 11:03z 2:01 A321
LAN124 10:31z 12:32z 2:01 A321
LAN348 15:00z 17:03z 2:03 A321 A320
LAN348 08:53z 10:54z 2:01 A320
LAN352 17:02z 19:03z 2:01 A320
LAN348 08:02z 10:03z 2:01 A320
LAN356 09:01z 11:02z 2:01 A321 A320
LAN360 20:17z 22:18z 2:01 A321
LAN360 23:08z 01:09z 2:01 A320
LAN360 09:33z 11:34z 2:01 A320
LAN360 17:28z 19:29z 2:01 A321
LAN122 14:13z 16:16z 2:03 A321
LAN122 10:22z 12:23z 2:01 A321
LAN122 11:29z 13:32z 2:03 A320
LAN136 19:18z 21:19z 2:01 A321
LAN136 17:12z 19:15z 2:03 A320
LAN340 21:18z 23:19z 2:01 A321
LAN340 10:01z 12:02z 2:01 A321
LAN340 22:19z 00:20z 2:01 A320
LAN340 17:55z 19:56z 2:01 A321
LAN340 19:13z 21:14z 2:01 A320
LAN340 16:31z 18:34z 2:03 A320
LAN350 20:57z 22:58z 2:01 A321 A320
LAN350 00:43z 02:44z 2:01 A320
LAN120 20:14z 22:15z 2:01 A321
LAN120 07:32z 09:33z 2:01 A320
LAN120 08:32z 10:33z 2:01 A320
LAN120 19:03z 21:04z 2:01 A320
LAN120 14:22z 16:25z 2:03 A321
LAN354 10:12z 12:13z 2:01 A320
LAN128 21:19z 23:20z 2:01 A321
LAN128 16:17z 18:20z 2:03 A320
LAN128 12:23z 14:26z 2:03 A320
LAN128 15:16z 17:19z 2:03 A320
LAN128 13:01z 15:04z 2:03 A320
LAN346 20:12z 22:13z 2:01 A320
LAN346 20:47z 22:48z 2:01 A321
LAN346 00:18z 02:19z 2:01 A321
LAN346 08:31z 10:32z 2:01 A321
LAN346 23:50z 01:51z 2:01 A320
LAN346 23:12z 01:13z 2:01 A321
LAN126 11:03z 13:06z 2:03 A320
LAN126 12:00z 14:03z 2:03 A321 A320
LAN126 21:18z 23:19z 2:01 A321
LAN126 10:00z 12:01z 2:01 A321
LAN334 01:38z 03:39z 2:01 A320
LAN1242 02:00z 04:01z 2:01 A321
LAN358 22:59z 01:00z 2:01 A320
LAN1256 20:00z 22:01z 2:01 A321

This is a leg of 785 nm (1,453 km) from Cerro Moreno Airport (ANF/SCFA) to Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM/SPJC) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN2374 09:25z 11:55z 2:30 A319
LAN2374 08:50z 11:20z 2:30 A319 A320

This is a leg of 1,366 nm (2,529 km) from Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM/SPJC) (Hub) to Silvio Pettirossi International Airport (ASU/SGAS) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN1321 05:30z 09:10z 3:40 A20N A320
LAN1321 06:15z 09:55z 3:40 A320 A20N

This is a leg of 614 nm (1,137 km) from Silvio Pettirossi International Airport (ASU/SGAS) (Hub) to Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport (GRU/SBGR) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN1303 07:55z 10:00z 2:05 A320
LAN1305 16:10z 18:10z 2:00 A320
LAN1301 22:05z 00:10z 2:05 A320
LCO8473 03:38z 05:07z 1:29 B76F

This is a leg of 4,524 nm (8,378 km) from Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport (GRU/SBGR) (Hub) to Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport (MAD/LEMD) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN8066 02:15z 12:05z 9:50 B77W B789
LAN9452 02:00z 11:54z 9:54 B789
LAN8066 05:44z 15:08z 9:24 B789

This is a leg of 4,524 nm (8,378 km) from Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport (MAD/LEMD) (Hub) to Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport (GRU/SBGR) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN8065 21:45z 08:05z 10:20 B789 B77W
LAN9465 18:30z 04:51z 10:21 B789

This is a leg of 1,457 nm (2,698 km) from Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport (GRU/SBGR) (Hub) to Eduardo Gomes International Airport (MAO/SBEG) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LCO6578 23:24z 02:53z 3:29 B76F
LCO6578 14:55z 18:37z 3:42 B76F
LCO6550 12:47z 16:49z 4:02 B76F
LCO6572 23:52z 03:12z 3:20 B76F
LAN4545 02:30z 06:30z 4:00 A21N A320 A321 A20N
LCO6578 02:33z 05:56z 3:23 B76F
LCO6574 16:17z 19:40z 3:23 B76F
LAN3296 15:10z 19:05z 3:55 A21N A320 A321
LAN3562 21:05z 01:05z 4:00 A21N A321
LAN3560 10:40z 14:40z 4:00 A21N A321

This is a leg of 1,052 nm (1,949 km) from Eduardo Gomes International Airport (MAO/SBEG) to Presidente Juscelino Kubistschek International Airport (BSB/SBBR) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN3747 07:25z 10:20z 2:55 A21N A319 A320 A321
LAN3749 19:45z 22:35z 2:50 A21N A321

This is a leg of 584 nm (1,082 km) from Presidente Juscelino Kubistschek International Airport (BSB/SBBR) (Hub) to Afonso Pena Airport (CWB/SBCT) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN3774 23:45z 01:40z 1:55 A320 A319 A321
LAN3020 13:45z 15:40z 1:55 A320

This is a leg of 179 nm (332 km) from Afonso Pena Airport (CWB/SBCT) to Congonhas Airport (CGH/SBSP) (Hub) .

Eligible routes

Choose any one of the routes below. Please take into account the conditions listed at the top of this page.

Flight Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Aircraft Models
LAN3065 16:40z 17:40z 1:00 A20N A320
LAN3061 12:00z 13:00z 1:00 A20N A320 A319
LAN3065 15:45z 16:45z 1:00 A320
LAN3249 18:35z 19:40z 1:05 A319
LAN3071 20:30z 21:35z 1:05 A20N
LAN3071 22:50z 23:50z 1:00 A320
LAN3071 20:00z 21:05z 1:05 A20N A320
LAN3885 21:55z 22:55z 1:00 A320
LAN3885 23:45z 00:45z 1:00 A320
LAN3063 14:15z 15:15z 1:00 A20N A320 A319
LAN3063 14:50z 15:50z 1:00 A320
LAN3193 17:45z 18:45z 1:00 A20N A320
LAN3057 08:35z 09:35z 1:00 A20N A320 A319
LAN3057 17:05z 18:05z 1:00 A20N
LAN3069 22:10z 23:10z 1:00 A319
LAN3069 19:50z 20:55z 1:05 A320
LAN3069 23:25z 00:25z 1:00 A20N A320
LAN3759 14:05z 15:05z 1:00 A320
LAN3059 10:55z 11:55z 1:00 A20N A320
LAN3067 08:45z 09:45z 1:00 A320
LAN3767 13:20z 14:20z 1:00 A320