
Name Current Location Hours Pilot Points Rank VATSIM ID IVAO ID
Kevin PVG/ZSPD Hub 346:20 409,880 Captain 1549969
Otto OPO/LPPR 345:51 462,913 Captain 881076
Michal TPE/RCTP Hub 344:13 414,828 Captain
Corrado FCO/LIRF Hub 344:04 345,303 Captain 818540
Pietro GRU/SBGR Hub 343:44 316,586 Captain 1390811 546167
Tom LAX/KLAX Hub 343:43 439,112 Captain
Eduardo OTP/LROP Hub 343:16 416,367 Captain
Aliosky GRU/SBGR Hub 342:45 219,611 Captain 1440974 554581
Valentin SVQ/LEZL 340:54 369,571 Captain 1635109
Milosz LYR/ENSB 340:51 520,725 Captain
Ajitesh BTH/WIDD 339:18 465,637 Captain 1324871
Robin AUH/OMAA Hub 338:59 295,814 Captain 1151101
MAC SGN/VVTS Hub 338:39 429,624 Captain
Keith AMS/EHAM Hub 338:21 472,857 Captain 810762
Michael CDG/LFPG Hub 336:26 357,354 Captain
Yohanes FCO/LIRF Hub 336:11 469,433 Captain 278833
Joris S. AMS/EHAM Hub 334:57 588,759 Captain 1582968 150594
Leonardo AMS/EHAM Hub 334:27 223,524 Captain
[FNI] Wissem BER/EDDB 334:13 333,749 Captain 1452424 570411
Cyrille SVO/UUEE 333:35 286,238 Captain 836371
Jonathan MEX/MMMX Hub 332:58 310,031 Captain
Adi SIN/WSSS 332:00 315,238 Captain 1274905
Max GOA/LIMJ 331:56 645,426 Captain
Michael ATL/KATL Hub 331:10 300,021 Captain 1257254
Nour MED/OEMA Hub 330:29 287,014 Captain 1235710 592865
Adam TPE/RCTP Hub 330:28 294,897 Captain
Matt SEA/KSEA Hub 329:30 328,062 Captain
Adam JED/OEJN Hub 329:28 326,398 Captain 1331941
Tom AMS/EHAM Hub 327:03 283,755 Captain 1632984
Bruno CGH/SBSP Hub 326:24 318,530 Captain 274821
Miguel JFK/KJFK Hub 325:29 254,680 Captain 491072
Doug YYZ/CYYZ Hub 324:43 319,193 Captain
cipriano OTP/LROP Hub 324:41 333,036 Captain 1444261 496851
Noah AUH/OMAA Hub 322:12 266,903 Captain 693785
Pavel BNE/YBBN Hub 321:56 281,713 Captain 1579883 581815
Aymen AUH/OMAA Hub 321:28 276,774 Captain 1477141
Alexander MIA/KMIA 321:25 233,292 Captain 1283968
Der Joggel 🪂 AMS/EHAM Hub 321:03 417,642 Captain
Sami JED/OEJN Hub 320:35 280,794 Captain
Gery DRW/YPDN 320:26 388,192 Captain 1148958
Lucas AUH/OMAA Hub 319:40 406,306 Captain
James CVG/KCVG 319:29 263,443 Captain 1346660
Owen DTW/KDTW Hub 318:39 223,654 Captain
iñaki TPE/RCTP Hub 316:23 259,312 Captain 1478021 536899
Bart SIN/WSSS 315:42 269,949 Captain 1532132
🛫 1973er 🛬 BER/EDDB 315:39 244,852 Captain
Benjamin CPH/EKCH Hub 315:20 246,959 Captain 1597428
Erwin AMS/EHAM Hub 314:56 272,927 Captain 1421494 521185
Kevin SCY/SEST 314:38 266,723 Captain
Pavel MUC/EDDM 314:16 338,872 Captain 1565383
Include pilots that have not yet completed a flight.
Only include pilots that have entered their VATSIM PID.
Only include pilots that have entered their IVAO VID.
Only include pilots that have completed a flight in the last 30 days.
Flight Hours
Pilot Points
Points Required Points Awarded Per Hour
Trainee 0 100
Junior Officer 1,000 150
Second Officer 5,000 250
First Officer 20,000 500
Senior First Officer 50,000 750
Captain 200,000 1,000
Senior Captain 1,000,000 1,200
Chief Captain 10,000,000 1,500
Senior Chief Captain 50,000,000 1,800